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In this edition of The Intelligent Enterprise, we explore the importance of trustworthy AI in relation to the future of large language models (LLMs), the latest European Union’s AI regulations, and explain how process mining can be used to prevent cyber threats. All developed with the goal of enabling our partners and customers to take action today.


It’s an exciting time to be in intelligent automation. We’re finally reaching the point where the gap between AI innovation and time-to-value has narrowed, giving enterprise leaders the satisfaction of better data for more accurate and timely decisions.

We’re seeing this most notably with generative AI. It came on the market in late 2022, and by early 2023, individuals and organizations globally were using it to make their research and communications easier. At ABBYY, we've been tracking our customers time-to-value for decades and have seen the value IDP routinely delivers in increased process efficiency and faster insights into data. And now, information from business-critical documents can be combined with generative AI to enable smarter business decisions that result in cost savings and better compliance adherence. Read more about how our connector for Vantage to ChatGPT can put your information to work.

However, the hype of new AI technologies can often bring unknown risks to an organization. Unlike past hype cycles like robotic process automation (RPA), when companies added software robots to every process without understanding their limitations, today, more prudent IT leaders are asking the right questions.

  • How are the AI models trained?
  • Which documents are used for the data sets and how often are they updated, will compliance still be met?
  • Which security vulnerabilities should we be aware of, and is there inherent bias that will create reputation risk for the enterprise once exposed?
  • And most importantly, how will it impact the process workflow and the customer?

We are working closely with our partners and customers to guide them between the hype and reality, and how the latest AI innovations can work within their current technical stack. The last thing any company can afford is buying new technologies that don’t work as expected or won’t be adopted enterprise-wide, resulting in further technical debt.

ABBYY Reaffirms Its Position as an Intelligent Automation Market Leader

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One area of AI that continues to deliver efficiency gains is using AI in document processing. In our recent ABBYY Global IDP Trends & Outcomes Report, we examined the document priorities for organizations and infer the trends in North America, Asia-Pacific, and Europe. The overarching theme was the need to streamline complex documents by leveraging their existing intelligent automation platforms with plug-and-play, low-code/no-code IDP platforms such as ABBYY Vantage. Examples of faster time-to-value were evident with customers noted in the report such as commercial real estate giant JLL, the Tokyo district of Nakano-Ku, and a global leader in brewing Carlsberg Group. Read more about these trends and outcomes in this issue of The Intelligent Enterprise.

It’s important to caution that the hurried pursuit for results should not come at the expense of trust and security. Both which take years to build and only moments to lose.

In this edition of The Intelligent Enterprise, we explore the importance of trustworthy AI in relation to the future of large language models (LLMs), the latest European Union’s AI regulations, and explain how process mining can be used to prevent cyber threats. All developed with the goal of enabling our partners and customers to take action today.

We’ll continue the discussion later this fall when ABBYY hosts Intelligent Automation Awareness Month in September. We’ll take a deeper dive with key influencers in the intelligent automation market on how we can balance AI innovation with faster time-to-value, and share best practices for deploying, measuring, monitoring, and scaling digital strategies that promote better customer experiences and profitability. Subscribe to The Intelligent Enterprise today to be the first to know when registration opens.

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Gabrielle Lukianchuk

Chief Marketing Officer at ABBYY

Gabrielle Lukianchuk is the Chief Marketing Officer at ABBYY where she oversees global marketing and branding initiatives to accelerate the company’s leadership in the intelligent process automation market. For over 25 years, Gabrielle has led transformative approaches to marketing centered on the customer and takes an intentional storytelling approach that has enabled go-to-market (GTM) strategies with measured business impact.

Connect with Gabrielle on LinkedIn.

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