ABBYY Marketplace

Kick-start your automation with pre-trained AI extraction models

What is ABBYY Marketplace?


The ABBYY Marketplace provides a rich collection of specialized AI extraction models (document skills), connectors and assets, which enhance and extend the ABBYY Vantage platform and accelerate the digital transformation and automation initiatives of enterprises of any size, industry and geography. Skills developed both by ABBYY and by the ABBYY partner network cover various document types, use cases, languages and can be either fully trained and ready to go, or a preview, providing a starting point for you to adjust to your specific requirements and processes and uptrain using your specific documents.


Ready-to-use Skills

Choose from a variety of pre-trained AI Skills built for your specific needs

AI Document Processing

Document understanding for enterprises of any size and industry

Ready-to-go Automation

Accelerate digital transformation with low-code, no-code AI models

Getting started with the Marketplace

  • Request a trial ABBYY Vantage account
  • Find a skill
  • Kick-start your project

Start a trial of ABBYY Vantage


Skills available in the ABBYY Marketplace are designed to be used within the ABBYY Vantage platform.

Find a skill

Browse the ABBYY Marketplace based on industry, business process or particular keywords to find skills from ABBYY or ABBYY partners.

Kick-start your project


Start a free trial of Vantage and try out any skill or contact the developer of the asset to request further information and get your automation project going.

Powering Intelligent Automation with AI Skills


Document Skills

Understand a specific document type and extract key insights. Fully trained and ready to deploy or preview skill providing quick start basis.

Process Skills

Classify documents by type and combine a number of document skills to extract key insights from each document type.


Seamless integration between ABBYY intelligent document processing and third-party applications and platforms such as BPM, ERP, RPA, chatbots, copilots and more.


Combine document skills, classification, and business rules to solve a specific use case (e.g., customer onboarding) and automate a process end-to-end.

Document splitter skills

Designed to split files with multiple documents of the same or different type into individual files for further processing.

Custom activities

Customized Vantage activities, adapted for a specific need or process.

Find Skills for every industry at ABBYY Marketplace


Skills for Transportation & Logistics
Explore our library of Skills designed specifically for shipping documents
Learn more
Skills for Finance & Accounting
Explore our library of Skills designed specifically forinvoice processing and accounts payable automation
Learn more
Skills for Financial Services
Explore our library of Skills designed specifically for banking and financial services
Learn more

Meet the contributors



ABBYY employees from Professional Services, Pre-Sales and Customer Enablement deliver demo and preview skills, enabling you to kick-start your automation project.


ABBYY engineering continuously develops and optimizes a large selection of pre-trained skills, ready to be utilized individually or in combination, within process automation workflows.


ABBYY certified partners with a proven track-record of delivering subject matter expertise and successful projects as vertical or horizontal solutions.

Individual Contributors

Any individual who would like to share with the community and provide a custom developed Vantage skill to a broader audience.