Commercial Invoice

Verified by ABBYY

The Vantage Commercial Invoice Document Skill is a pre-trained AI model extracting key information from commercial invoices as a key element of the freight documentation package.

A commercial invoice is a customs declaration form used in international trade and ocean freight shipping that describes the parties involved in the shipping transaction, the goods being transported, and the value of the goods and is required for customs clearance.

ABBYY's porduction-ready Commercial Invoice Skill is trained on a very large document set and extracts key data points from the document with high accuracy and relaibility. The extracted data can be passed onto other business applications such as transportation management systems, customs systems etc.

By automating the processing of commercial invoices and other freight documents, logistics providers can optimize operations, reducing or eliminating error-prone manual processes. This not only accelerates customs clearance but also mitigates unnecessary delays and associated costs.

The skill can be combined with other document skills for trade documentation to pave the way for a seamless flow of goods, bolstering your competitive advantage.

  • Vantage document skills are extraction models, based on ABBYY's purpose-built AI, designed and trained to extract key data from business documents.
  • Pre-trained model automatically detects key fields on the commercial invoice and extracts relevant data (consignee, vendor, invoice date and number, country or origin and destination, INCO Terms, line items, etc.). For a full list of extracted fields, please see the skill documentation.
  • Includes validation and data normalization rules. Further business rules can be added as required.
  • Includes data catalog look-up for matching extracted Vendor and Consignee data.
  • Can be augmented by human-in-the-loop review and verification based on accuracy thresholds, missing or incorrect information.
  • Allows further training of the model based on customer documents in real time. Over time significantly improves straight-through-processing rates and reduces the need for human interaction.
  • The skill complements other pre-trained transportation and logistics skills from ABBYY including bill of lading, commercial invoices, custom declarations, and several more.
Processes with this connector
Transfer data to other systems
Related skills
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2 April 2024
Last updated:
2 October 2024
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